Architect Page – Top Yard

This is a private webpage for our Top Yard client to view images, videos and drawings. It is not publicly available.

These are “work in progress” drawings and models so may be incomplete, to explore design options

21 Feb 2024

The original scheme designed by your previous architect (Option A) put the stairs into the left hand bay

Option A – as discussed at Meeting 1 – click here for  Option A – Architect Plans

Unfortunately this compromised the layout on both floors: the kitchen and dining room on the ground floor became cramped and very difficult to make work, and the master bedroom on the first floor was also awkward.

I’ve produced Options B and C, as below, by repositioning the stairs in the centre bay. When coming down the stairs, you look outwards through the double doors to the garden.

Option B –   click here for plans Architect – Top Yard – GA Set P1.2 Option B

  • Option B retains the office on ground floor
  • Has much better living room
  • The kitchen flows into the utility room which is very convenient
  • The master bedroom is so much better!!!

Option C is my favourite – click here for plans Architect – Top Yard – GA Set P1.3 Option C

  • it removes the separate office room and instead is much more open plan. 
  • Has a larger open plan kitchen
  • Living room has a woodburning stove
  • The office could be in the utility room or one of the smaller bedrooms, or indeed just use the tables in kitchen or living areas.

Option C would have the same first floor layout as Option B.

The 3D models below show Options B and C. Twirl them about:-
Left click (hold) looks around ; right click (hold) moves the model; scroll wheel zooms in and out. 

7 March 2024

Sam and Louisa prefer Option B but with some changes – presented below as Option D.

Option D – GA Set P1.4 Option D floor plans only

Option D model below. 

8 March 2024

P2 Drawing set – GA Set P2 Top Yard Option D
Added site plan, section (WIP), elevations

Top Yard Rev B – 21 May 2024

23 May 2024

Drawing Set Rev B 23 May 2024 – added balconies, window updates, detailed section drawings

Note front porch frame design to be discussed. Could be a simple structure on posts as shown on drawings and model below (albeit slightly wider), or a design with handrails as per this photo

Model below shows latest changes:-